Fibre Focus Magazine

Weaving, spinning, felting, dyeing

Fibre Focus is a quarterly magazine, published by Ontario Handweavers & Spinners. It is available in either print or digital format to members.

Fibre Focus features articles on weaving, spinning, dyeing, knitting, basketry, felt making and papermaking, as well as information on sheep raising and craft supply information. The magazine also features profiles of fibre artists, how-to articles, techniques, news of interest in the fibre world, book reviews, events and competitions. It also reports on OHS activities such as conferences, award winners, courses offered, updates, and guild news from various guilds in Ontario and beyond.

If you would like to receive Fibre Focus magazine in either print or digital format, join Ontario Handweavers & Spinners. Memberships from around the world are welcome.

If you would like to advertise in Fibre Focus, please download our Media Kit (PDF, 6.3Mb), then contact the Publisher.

  • Fibre Focus is the magazine of the Ontario Handweavers and Spinners and is published four times a year in March, June, September, and December.

  • Future Issues: Please contact the Fibre Focus Editor, before undertaking a project or an article. Manuscripts and other contributions for upcoming issues of Fibre Focus may be submitted to the Editor. We are especially looking for pictorials and stories about specific weaving, spinning, felting, dyeing and other fibre activities that will inspire our members. We are also looking to publish projects, with instructions, that our members could try.

  • Feature article deadlines: December 31, March 31, June 30, Sept. 15. To submit an article, please read the Contributors’ Guidelines for Fibre Focus.

  • Organisational news such as Ontario Handweavers and Spinners Board or Committee Reports, Reports from the Regional Representatives, and Calendar information should be sent to the Publications Chair by January 31, April 30, July 31 and Oct 15th.

  • Advertising: All ads are in full colour. Specifications for ads and ad rates are available in pdf format. Advertising deadlines: Feb. 7, May 7, Aug 7, October 21. To advertise in Fibre Focus, please download our Fibre Focus Media Kit. Contact the Fibre Focus Publisher for further information.

  • Fibre Focus Deadlines: A list of deadlines relating to the submission of material and the publication of the magazine area available by downloading the PDF file Deadlines.

  • Back Issues of Fibre Focus: Most issues of Fibre Focus are available for $5 each plus shipping, (in either U.S. or Canadian currency). Specify which issues you wish to purchase. The most recent three issues will not be sold. Contact

View a previously published Fibre Focus Article: An article from the summer of 2016 may be viewed here.

Fibre Focus Index

Two downloadable indexes are now available for 2010 to 2019: by Author and by Title.

Fibre Focus Online

A digital edition of Fibre Focus is now available to all members. Below is a sample back issue you can read, search, print or download on the website with our online viewer. We welcome all comments on future online access to the magazine, and the reading experience. Direct your emails to our Publications Chair, Jocelynn Vieira, at Current OHS members can view the digital edition by logging into their account to access the members only page, where current and past issues of Fibre Focus are available.

To receive the digital edition of Fibre Focus, renew your membership online and choose Digital Edition. American members choosing the digital version will save the $25 postage to have the printed magazine mailed from Canada. If you have already paid your current membership or have a Life membership, you can request the digital edition by contacting our Administrator, Pat Shaver, at

(Note: This is a print-quality PDF version of the magazine. It may be too large to download on dial-up connections.)