OHS Education

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As a member of the Ontario Handweavers and Spinners, you will find many opportunities for learning. Throughout the province, there are over 50 local guilds. By joining a guild, you will be connected to many more chances to learn and connect with others who are passionate about spinning and weaving. Many guilds offer beginner lessons and other opportunities to learn, through workshops, conferences, seminars, courses, spin-ins, and small group meetings.

The Biennial Conference offers an array of workshops, speakers, and events. Local or regional seminars often have additional workshops.

For those who wish to work in a more structured way, the Ontario Handweavers and Spinners Certificate Courses have long been esteemed for the breadth and depth of the units, as well as their high standards. Over the years, these programs have produced the backbone of teachers and experts in the fields of handweaving and spinning in the province of Ontario.

OHS Spinning Certificate Program

The OHS Spinning Certificate Program consists of six consecutive semesters (Levels I–VI). It is usually offered, one semester each year, during the summer months. Completion of each level of study involves 8 days of instruction at an educational institution, followed by independent homework assignments that are completed, mailed to instructors, and evaluated throughout the year. The Spinning Certificate Program is offered when there is sufficient interest from potential students and where facilities, coordinators, and instructors are available.

We plan to start a new Level I group at the Haliburton School of Art and Design, Fleming College in 2025. Registration will likely open in March 2025.

Please click here for an outline of the spinning program.. For more information, contact the Spinning Education Chair at edu-spinning@ohs.on.ca

The Small Print: Transfers and Credits

The OHS will consider acceptance into an ongoing OHS Spinning Certificate Program under the following conditions:

  • Transfers: OHS credits are transferable within the OHS program. Each transfer will be evaluated on an individual basis by the Spinning Education Committee. Please contact the Spinning Education Chair to check for space availability; prior marks will be transferred to the new course. Students who did not complete an entire semester may be required to repeat that semester.
  • Prior Credits: Students with prior spinning experience may be considered for entry into Level II at the discretion of the Spinning Education Committee on an individual basis.
  • Sequence of  Study: Semesters must be taken in order, as each unit covers material dependant on the previous level.

OHS Weaving Certificate Program

The OHS Weaving Certificate Course consists of 18 units which were designed to be completed independently by homestudy. There may be opportunities to do a Unit in a hands-on workshop at an OHS conference or with a guild. We also offer virtual groups which provide support and encouragement to members in the course.

The Weaving Certificate is achieved by passing all 18 Units. Although the Units may be taken in any order, it is recommended that Units 1 (Weaving Basics) and 2 (Colour and Design) be done before the others. Some weaving knowledge is required before taking the course. Please see Are You Ready to Start the OHS Weaving Certificate Course? before you begin.

Please click here for the Weaving Certificate Course Outline. For more information, please email the Homestudy Chair at homestudy@ohs.on.ca.

You can purchase the weaving by logging in to our member page. Please note that this page is only for OHS members so you will need to login to view.

Attention: The marking fee for the weaving units has been increased to $50. The OHS Board has approved this increase in recognition of the talents of our unit leaders. We are fortunate to have very knowledgeable, experienced unit leaders and feel that this increase more accurately reflects the time and effort each spends in reviewing student work and providing valuable feedback.


Registration opens in December for two winter virtual weaving study groups. The groups will meet virtually between February 1 and May 31, 2025.

  • Unit 2 - Colour and Design
  • Unit 11 - Four Shaft Double Weave

It is not necessary to have completed previous units to enroll in the virtual study group. The study group does not offer instruction but provides encouragement and support as well as the opportunity to meet with the unit leaders twice during the semester. Registration and the Units can be purchased in the Members' section of this website.

Information on the Weaving Certificate Virtual Study Group Pilot Program

Now you can plan your weaving life as you work on your OHS Weaving Certificate!

Beginning in October, 2021, OHS will be offering virtual study groups as a 6 year semester-based system. As always, students will work on their Weaving Certificate independently, but will have the opportunity to join a virtual support group for each unit, if they choose.

Each year will consist of three discrete semesters. Students registering for a particular unit will join the virtual study group for that semester only and will need to register for subsequent sessions as they occur.

Membership in a virtual study group allows access to the Virtual group Facebook page and to videoconferencing meetings with the Unit leader at the beginning of each unit for a unit overview, and at a halfway point for a Q and A session.

The introductory Units 1 and 2 will be offered more frequently – once per year – giving interested weavers the opportunity to begin the program with the support of a virtual study group within the 6-year timeframe.

Videoconference meetings for Units 1 and 2 will be offered on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. ET. Meetings for subsequent units will be offered on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. ET.

There will be a $10 non-refundable registration fee to join a virtual group, payable each semester, to cover program costs and unit leader compensation. Registration will open one month prior to the semester start date.

For more information please contact the weaving Education Chair at edu-weaving@ohs.on.ca.

Dates of Six Year Virtual Study Program

Year Semester Dates Unit
Year 1 Semester 1 Oct 1, 2021 – Jan 31, 2022 1
Semester 2 Feb 1, 2022 – May 31, 2022 2
Semester 3 June 1, 2022 – Sept 30, 2022 3
Year 2 Semester 1 Oct 1, 2022 – Jan 31, 2023 4 and 1
Semester 2 Feb 1, 2023 – May 31, 2023 5 and 2
Semester 3 June 1, 2023 – Sept 30, 2023 6
Year 3 Semester 1 Oct 1, 2023 – Jan 31, 2024 7 and 1
Semester 2 Feb 1, 2024 – May 31, 2024 8 and 2
Semester 3 June 1, 2024 – Sept 30, 2024 9
Year 4 Semester 1 Oct 1, 2024 – Jan 31, 2025 10 and 1
Semester 2 Feb 1, 2025 – May 31, 2025 11 and 2
Semester 3 June 1, 2025 – Sept, 30 2025 12
Year 5 Semester 1 Oct 1, 2025 – Jan 31, 2026 13 and 1
Semester 2 Feb 1, 2026 – May 31, 2026 14 and 2
Semester 3 June 1, 2026 – Sept 30, 2026 15
Year 6 Semester 1 Oct 1, 2026 – Jan 31, 2027 16 and 1
Semester 2 Feb 1, 2027 – May 31, 2027 17 and 2
Semester 3 June 1, 2027 – Sept 30 2027 18

Master Weaver and Master Spinner Program

The Ontario Handweavers and Spinners also supports a Master Weaver and Master Spinner Program. For graduates of the certificate program, the Masters program offers an opportunity to research a topic in weaving or spinning in depth. For more information, download this Masters Program Overview PDF.

Research done over the years is available to members through a library of in-depth studies maintained by the OHS.