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Webinar 3: A Trip to Wave Fibre Mill with Wave Weir & Heather Darlington of Wave Fibre Mill
$20.00 – $25.00
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Webinar #3 is a part of a four part series, “Wool: The Long and the Fine of it! Webinars”
If you can’t attend, the Webinar will be recorded and available for a month following the live session.
Buy each individual webinar separately:
- Single Individual Webinar (OHS Members) $20
- Single Individual Webinar (Non-Members) $25
Webinar 3: A Trip to Wave Fibre Mill
Speakers: Wave Weir & Heather Darlington of Wave Fibre Mill
Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 @ 7pm ET
Description: Do you wonder how long and fine wools are milled? Us too! Wave Fibre Mill is the third presenter in our series, stepping us through the process of moving from raw fleece to prepared roving and beyond! Wave and Heather will give us a virtual tour of their semi-worsted spinning and weaving mill, starting from raw fibre entering the mill, and ending with finished garments. They will also share what their first-hand experience has been in milling both long and fine wools on their mill’s vintage equipment. If you’ve ever wondered if your fleece is mill- worthy, bring your questions and learn straight from the source.
Wave Weir & Heather Darlington of Wave Fibre Mill
Bio: Mill owner, Wave Weir, found herself unable to source natural fibre yardage, of a quality and quantity for garment production, from within her Fibreshed. Realizing that here in Canada there is an abundant supply of wool, a renewable resource, but only limited facilities to process it, she started Wave Fibre Mill, a Northern Ontario semi-worsted spinning and weaving mill north of Toronto.
The mill processes wool and wool/exotic fibre blends for farmers from across Canada. However, all fabric and yarn used in the mill’s own brand is fibre grown in Ontario, purchased from small to mid-sized farms with sustainable, regenerative, responsible practices and processed in-house at the mill. All of the whites, grays, browns and blacks in the fabric and yarn are the undyed naturally grown colours of the wool, alpaca and mohair. Any colours being developed beyond that are small-batch dyed with plants grown in Ontario gardens, responsibly harvested from Ontario fields or purchased from Canadian suppliers.
Heather Darlington, the Mill Manager, has been operating a sheep farm for approximately twenty years and has run her own business – Pondering Rock Farm. An accomplished spinner, weaver, knitter, felter and sewer, Heather has taught extensively as well as selling commercially spun local fleece through her business. She now contributes her abundant expertise to the success of Wave Fibre Mill.
Website: https://wavefibremill.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p/Wave-Fibre-Mill-
Instagram: @wavefibremill
Email: wavefibremill@gmail.com